Surviving An Armed Attack At Work

A MUST WATCH high quality video produced by the government. What would you do if an gunman shows up at work or school? Spend 6 minutes watching tips to increase your chances of surviving an attack.

shooterThis video was presented during a meeting with Sergeant A.J. DeAndrea who is a first responder. He was at the Columbine High School, Platte Canyon High School and the Youth With A Mission shootings in Colorado. After the Columbine tragedy, police across the country developed “active-shooter” training. It calls for responding officers to rush toward gunfire and step over bodies and bleeding victims if necessary and to stop the gunman.

The video encourages citizens to evaluate the situation and:

  • Escape if  its safe to do so
  • Common sense items such as locking doors, turning off lights, setting your cell phone to no ring
  • Fight back if you have to

Sergeant DeAndrea also mentioned after help arrives:

  • Exit the building with your hands raised. The police do not know you and if the shooter is trying to escape in the crowd.
  • Try to stay away from the parking lot. The shooter may have rigged their car with explosives.

My goal is not to make you paranoid but to give you his tips and experience on surviving an attack.

Please share this blog with everyone you know. As the video says “be aware and be prepared”.

Image courtesy of vudhikrai /